Life Entrepreurs Share Their Thoughts…. This time from The Stone Kitchen

Last week I wrote about inviting my friends to send me their comments and letting me start expanding my blog.  I was in Houston on Friday, visiting with Elizabeth Stone of The Stone Kitchen, encouraging her to write her own blog to support her new cookbook (that she already has a contract to publish!) and so she sent me the following sample. 

My notion is that we’re all Life Entrepreneurs–we all have something unique and special to share with the world.  Here’s what Liz wrote about her struggle to get her cookbook completed:

“No Stone Left Unturned” by Elizabeth Stone
Today is Saturday March 20, 2010

Writing a book is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I have catered over 15,000 events over the last 20 years. I have catered with no water, no electricity for hundreds of people in some very strange locations. None of it, not even when I couldn’t make the payroll or when I was worried about the lights being cut off for lack of cash flow, has been as difficult as writing this book.

What’s the big deal? Why is it so hard to get the words on a page. I am writing about all the experiences and tricks that I have learned over the last 20 years in the catering business. Really or as my niece would say’ “Seriously E, really – you haven’t finished that book.” “Do I need to help you finish it?” My niece is 9 and seems to be ready to write and create and offer advice.

I must have a serious problem – I have self diagnosed myself with something called writer’s block. Has this ever happened to you? What is writer’s block anyway? All of a sudden, you can’t spell or type or think of anything even remotely creative. My motto is I can fix anything with cream and butter. Is that the solution? Add a little cream and butter. Maybe that is really the problem. I have been trying to cut back on fats lately. Why in the world would I do that? Heavens, that has got to be the problem. No butter, no cream, no writing. Hopefully after indulging in some much needed butter and cream, the creativity will come flowing again.

I second that emotion, Elizabeth!  Maybe the butter and cream for you is feeling supported and encouraged by those of us who know you and are cheering you on!   I can’t wait to see the cookbook!

I can certainly empathize with her about how easy it is to get stuck in a blocked place and begin to doubt my creativity and ability.  My remedy for it is to talk about it, get help, exercise, and just keep going.  What’s yours?